Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Wrecking-Crew Palin: Enemy of America

Not only is Sarah Palin another Radical Right-Winger, hell-bent on removing your freedoms, but she is actually opposed to America's Government. She would be to our republic what "Brownie" was to FEMA:

Over the years, Palin has actively courted the Alaska Independence Party, or AIP, an organization that supports Alaskan secession from the U.S. To be clear, we're not necessarily talking about friendly secession either: As the AIP's founder, Joe Vogler, told an interviewer in 1991: "The fires of hell are frozen glaciers compared to my hatred for the American government. ... And I won't be buried under their damn flag."


Monday, September 01, 2008

Armed Thugs Harass Journalists at RNC, including Amy Goodman

Teaching young men to attack journalists and innocent civilians overseas, then having them come back to America and attack journalists on our own streets, is fucking treason.

It is a slap in the face to all of us who have served in uniform.

Mayor Coleman of St. Paul Minnesota, and the "Party Leaders" pulling his strings, should be ashamed. Amy Goodman and her people are among the most patriotic Americans ever to grace our presence and these fucking nazis have the idiotic lunacy to arrest them for doing their constitutionally-protected duty.

They've been raiding peace and press-organizations, weapons drawn, all over the area, prior to the RNC convention.

Mayor Coleman's phone number is (651) 266 8535.

If you are attacking journalists in America, you are a fucking traitor.


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