Wednesday, July 14, 2004

An event and a film to expose the FOX propaganda machine

"Seven days a week, 24 hours a day, Fox News Channel turns Republican talking points into news headlines. Now Uncovered director Robert Greenwald -- working with a group of Fox-monitoring MoveOn members -- has put together a documentary film called Outfoxed that exposes Fox for what it is: partisan spin, not news."

"This Sunday evening, July 18th, you're invited to be among the first to see Outfoxed at one of over 2,500 house parties across the nation, hosted by MoveOn and Common Cause members. Then join together in a coast-to-coast conference call with comedian and radio host Al Franken and the movie's director, Robert Greenwald. We'll kick off an exciting campaign to take on Fox for its partisan reporting and deceptive slogan 'Fair and Balanced.'"

Find a house party in your neighborhood at:

Check out the trailer for Outfoxed at the movie website here:

At this web page, you can also order your own copy of Outfoxed -- for only $9.95 plus shipping.

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