Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Enforced Fairness

I read a listserv message from a right-winger who was scoffing at a leftie's statement that we need the fairness doctrine back. The rightie said we should get rid of the FCC. He said that enforced fairness is wrong and that the free market should rule. I thought about it for a while out on my walk, and my conclusion is this: You righties like football, right? The spirit of excellence in the heat of competitive battle? Certainly it is a spectacle. Now, imagine football without referrees. Sure, things might go okay for a couple plays, but what would happen when there was a dispute? What would happen when someone intentionally tried to cheat and there was no-one there to make a just call? The game would devolve into chaos, and most of the viewers on TV would change the channel (resulting in inevitable removals of sponsorship), eventually, because the game would have lost much of its primary appeal: That of a competitive showing of managerial and performance excellence, accomplished on an even playing-field with enforced rules. A government of true representatives of the people, run effectively and fully accountable, is the referee. And no, we should NOT get rid of the FCC. We should make it answer to us, as should the rest of the government. Read the constitution!

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