Wednesday, February 23, 2005

"...a great threat to life and liberty on earth."

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
(former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal and a former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury. He is the co-author of The Tyranny of Good Intentions.)

It has begun to dawn on the formerly Grand Old Party that a bloodless coup has occurred and Republicans have lost their party to Jacobins
Jacobins ushered in the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.
Jacobins were not content with revolutionizing France. They were driven to revolutionize the world
Bush's second inaugural speech is Jacobin
promised to use American power to spread democracy and to end tyranny everywhere on earth
Michael Gerson
who wrote Bush's infamous "God-drenched speech
insists that Bush's wars will only last "a generation."
about 30 years
What is realistic about declaring weapons of mass destruction to exist where they do not exist?

What is realistic about assigning blame for Sept. 11 where it does not belong?

What is realistic about destroying a secular state and creating a vast breeding ground for terrorists?

What is realistic about making Osama bin Laden an Islamic hero and shaking the foundations of America's reigning puppets in the Middle East?

What is realistic about declaring a world crusade in the face of evidence that the U.S. cannot successfully occupy Baghdad, a city of only 6 million people, much less Iraq, a country of only 25 million people?
Bush and the Republican Party have morphed into a Jacobin Party.
This Jacobin program requires the supremacy of executive power and is dependent on an unwarranted belief in the efficacy of force.
There is nothing American or democratic about this program.
American casualties (dead and wounded) have reached 10 percent of the U.S. occupation force
At home, the casualties are the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Republicans explode in anger when a liberal judge creates a constitutional right. But they sit in silence when the U.S. Department of Justice (sic) creates the right for Bush to decide who has constitutional protections and who does not.
Led by Bush, the Republican Party now stands for detainment without trial and war without end. It is a party destructive of all virtue and a great threat to life and liberty on earth.

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