Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Oppose dictatorship. Sign Dean DNC petition

As they goose-step to the marching-orders of corporate and aristrocratic power, they are working to dismantle our republic.
when one party controls all three branches of government, and then seeks to change the fundamental principles and rules of our democracy, we need to talk about it soberly and seriously.
Republican Senate leaders have decided to fundamentally alter the role of Congress -- they want to give George Bush unprecedented power to manipulate the legislative branch and the courts.
to help them preserve the right of our elected representatives to speak their mind on the floor of the U.S. Senate
We have to act. Sign this petition, which we will deliver to every U.S. Senator, asking them to protect the right to free speech in the Senate.
Americans did not endorse the fringe agenda to dismantle Social Security. And they did not endorse dismantling the system of checks and balances that have served our country for over 200 years.

Please tell your Senator to stand up for free speech:

This is not a partisan issue -- it is an American issue. And we all must act together in order to protect our democracy.

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