Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Dear Sir. Be Straight with us. Stop BS'ing us. Please!

On President Bush’s Speech, June 29th, 2005, at Fort Bragg, North Carolina

It was a pretty weak sales pitch the oil-company CEO made tonight (28 June 2005). Pay no attention to the man behind the .. uh.. Podium.

Dear Sir. Be Straight with us. Stop BS'ing us. Please!

We are in Iraq to control the Middle Eastern oil supply. These guys (represented by our President) won't own up to that because they know OIL is actually a bad plan and the American People won't buy it, with good reason. Global Warming is why it's a bad plan; but they stick to it because in many cases OIL money got them into office and still holds their puppet-strings, and they're not looking into the future more than a couple years anyway. They deny global warming, forcing scientists WE employ to alter the reports of their undeniable, sinister conclusions on the subject. How about an overheating Armageddon, courtesy of Pharisees and Moneychangers? Corrupt reasoning could cost us dearly, soon enough for us all to see it.

This asset-grab in Iraq, prescribed by the Project for the New American Century, could actually bankrupt the United States of America, and that could very well result in the Balkanization of our own "homeland". Those in power lied about weapons of mass destruction in order to justify the attack on Iraq. The Downing Street memo, along with other documentation, demonstrates the motive for this pre-meditated war crime (invasion of a non-threatening sovereign nation) that was in nebulous planning YEARS before 9/11/01. Tell your co-workers and your customers about the Downing Street Memo. Just say the words "Downing Street Memo". The Press will have no choice but to address it as more and more, the word gets out.

If the purpose of the Iraq Quagmire was sincerely to nation-build (something Bush said he would NOT do, while he was campaigning), to spread the freedom of democracy and remove weapons of mass destruction, why didn't we attack someone like North Korea? They don't have OIL. That's Why. If our President honestly wants to nation-build, we have one nation right here that's needing some serious work. Do you wear Chinese clothes too? Did YOUR job go to Bangalore?

When the President this evening said, "As the Iraqis stand up, we will stand down." he was describing a modern-day Vietnamization. If you follow this logic then, like in Nixon's Vietnam, gradually there will be more and more air strikes, more civilian casualties and more resulting resistance. Also, regarding "standing down", why are we buying and building permanent bases in Iraq now?

Once again, the President used his number one cash cow: the murder of thousands of working people in buildings in New York City in 2001. It enabled him to secure the office of the Presidency for a while longer (until enough people wake up). This is in keeping with Goering's strategy: of keeping "the masses" in fear in order to keep them under control. Rove knows about that kind of stuff.

Maybe some of the time wasted behind the podium, justifying this oil-grab, could have gone to explaining why the FAA air-traffic control tapes on 9/11/01 were destroyed and scattered.

The fact that a great deal of energy has been expended by the current power-structure and their pundits to stifle the information presented by John Perkins ("Confessions of an Economic Hit Man") and essays by college-professor Ward-Churchill, that demonstrate how incidents like 9/11 are basically "blowback" resulting from pseudo-colonial economic policies spanning generations, should be enough for anyone with half a mind to suspect ANY claims from the current Administration and their cronies.

On the idea that they "hate freedom": .. gimme a break. Show me a single human being who "hates freedom". Whaddya take us for?

When our President said, "every generation has produced patriots willing to serve a cause greater than themselves" I was reminded that in World War II, our grandfathers and great-grandfathers went and fought to protect themselves individually, their homes and their families. It was clear that the corporatist puppet Adolf Hitler had designs on Europe and on America too. There was no choice but to stop that fascist machine or risk being overrun by it. The Nazi soldiers our troops defeated had been trained to place their state and the "master race" above their own individuality. This is a principle of Socialism ("National Socialism" in that case). We are NOT socialists. We are a democratic republic of (sometimes rugged) individuals (or we WOULD be if we still had enough brave, honest people in the press to cut through the lies they’re being fed, so that the American people could see for themselves that those who have been bought into office are no longer working to support and defend the constitution of our own country, OR our civil liberties as individuals). Many of those who falsely claim to be "Republicans" today are more akin to the elitist, Federalist Tories who passed such laws as the "Alien and Sedition Act", prohibiting dissent, in the infancy of our country, and deserve to be recognized as such in the press. Serve the Truth.

As the President finished his speech with the usual "God Bless America", those words prompted me to reflect that Abraham Lincoln once said, " concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God's side". In my opinion that means doing what is right. I strongly urge those in power to begin doing that. I say, bring our children home, and figure out how to transition our oil-based economy into one based on hydrogen. Save our planet and our descendents.

Unless, of course, what you really want is Armageddon. I don’t.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is the first time I've seen the Project for the New American Century mentioned by someone else. I stumbled across it while looking up "fascism" in the online dictionary (there was a link). Cheney (among others in the administration) is a founding member, his name right there. Why has the media ignored this proof of conspiracy?

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