Sunday, July 03, 2005

Rove Outed Valerie Plame?

It's beginning to look like it (sure smells like it):

When scraping for justification for going to war with Iraq, the Bush Administration used a phony story about Iraq getting Nuclear Materials from Niger. Our former ambassador to Niger, Joseph Wilson, publicly accused the Administration of using this fake Niger "Yellowcake Forgery".

Then, for some odd reason, Wilson's wife's identity as a covert CIA agent was mysteriously leaked to the press (kind of like mysteriously having your office bugged with fresh batteries so you can accuse your political opponents of doing it... uh... ahem ...). This leak sure smells like retaliation, it put Valerie Plame in Danger, and it betrayed the National Security interests of the United States.

Someone seems to have forgotten that we pay these guys to serve the United States of America, NOT just the corporate aristocrats who have hijacked the Republican Party.

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