Saturday, August 20, 2005

'06 Senate Race outlook Thru Democrat Eyes
(Note: We here at American Wisdom wish to express to the Democratic Party our opinion that if they try playing "Republican Lite" again, they will lose, again. The Democratic Party is the "Party of the People" and when the Democratic Party stopped listening to the People, the People started listening to Rush Limbaugh (had to pause to spit. ahem). I charge the Democratic Party with the task of direct outreach to the citizenry, bypassing the corporatist media. That is the basis for a genuine rebirth and the re-attainment of the Democratic Party's rightful place as the ONLY REALISTIC ALTERNATIVE for any and all thinking, courageous people in America, in view of the corporatism that is taking over our republic. FIGHT THE LIES IN THE CORPORATE MEDIA. Everyone is beginning to suspect the lies on TV and Radio. Spend the money in direct outreach, public demonstration, public speakers in addition to candidates. An authentic, genuine party that represents CITIZENS, not CORPORATIONS, will WIN. GIVE 'EM HELL, HOWARD. 20 million dittoheads (former, dissillusioned Limbaugh listeners) are waiting out there for us to teach them how to vote Democrat. But you must field real candidates. No more Kerrys! DEAN COULD HAVE WON. Have a nice day.)

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