Saturday, June 10, 2006

Who Is "The Man"?

Lately there's been a TV commercial airing, where a guy makes a remark about "sticking it to The Man", then he reflects that now He's the man, so then Now what..

Or Is he?

Do you make Five Hundred Thousand dollars per year or less?

If you make Five Hundred Thousand dollars per year or less, then you're NOT "The Man". You're down here with the rest of us, no matter what airs you try to put on. The Man is looking down on you too, with a self-satisfied smirk on his face. Being neither loyal to (nor considerate of) any particular land or people, he is secure in the knowledge that, in the words of Agent Smith of "The Matrix", you are destined to go about living your lives, "oblivious".

The Man wants to exploit your home and destroy your Government. He wants to "stick and move" without the inconvenience of rules, regulations or referees. He owns the television and radio stations that tell you that government is a bad idea; that slickly sell you the idea that war is good, that plant the seeds of helplessness: of "there's nothing I can do". If you don't give it any thought, his persistence might even convince you of it.

If he has his way, your Fruited Plain can and will go the way of Argentina. Or Mexico.

Or Haiti.

If he has his way, we'll continue to waste our scarce resources on colonial adventures overseas in places like Vietnam and Iraq, which we will continue to pay for through inflation, interest, bankrupt cities, oppressive fear, lower education rates, and all other signs of a weakened society, including continued loss of personal liberty amid rising rates of violent crime and a hungry, destabilized planet.

If he has his way, we working people will be further divided by things such as race, religion, national origin, sexual preference, style of automobile, favorite rock band, shoe-size.. whatever differentiator he can dream up to keep us from working together to throw off his oppression.

If he has his way, we will continue to give him our tax money so that he can build systems with which to threaten and/or control us, just like the people he controls in his other colonies.

This is why "government of, for and by the people" is not just a cool phrase by a guy with a beard and a tall hat. It is the principle of US, protecting ourselves from The Man.

The only way our democratic-republican government can function effectively is if we as citizens consider in good conscience what's going on in our world, and consider the sources and motivations of the messages we are getting. If we have no problem getting Rush Limbaugh on the radio in our cars or at work, then we should also have no problem getting Amy Goodman on the radio in our cars or at work. Then we as individual citizens can decide what we think is best.

Since the situation is not that, today, I challenge you to consider, when you hear or see the polished, commercial messages that bombard you day in and day out, what is The Man trying to sell you? Is he suckering you in?

It's when The Man makes it so you only hear his side of things, by owning all the media outlets, that many will start to think that things like Republic and Democracy aren't really important anymore, and that it's okay for The Man to run things for us (privatization).

By this point, you could rightly gather that I don't have anything nice to say about "The Man".

You shouldn't, either.

---- Mark Frankenberg

P.S. There's a crucial, national election this November. Call your Supervisor of Elections! Order your Absentee Ballot! Don't trust those electronic vote-stealing machines! Do your job as a citizen to help guide your republic…

while you still can!


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