Thursday, September 07, 2006


The Public Airwaves are being used to betray the Public Trust.

Regarding 9-11, Where's the Pennsylvania Plane? Why was the hole in the Pentagon so little? Where's the plane that supposedly hit it? What about Building 7? Why did they demolish it on that day? And What's with all the military excercises that were conducted that morning.. and why did they then tell the public that no-one had even thought of using planes as weapons?

And why did George W. Bush sit there in a Classroom, immoble, behaving, reading "My Pet Goat", after being told that the country placed in his charge was under attack?

And why did George W. Bush then allow all of Bin Laden's relatives to flee the country without even being questioned by the authorities?

Why does the 911 Commission Report stink of whitewash as much as the Warren Commission report did, regarding the Kennedy Assassination?

Orwell defined the term "Doublethink" thus:
"To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself. That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.'

Doublethink is a symptom of an ailing society. It is the duty of the Press, in a Democratic Republic such as our Constitution defines, to combat such things. Any company that contributes to the destruction of critical, logical thought should have their charter revoked to make room on the airwaves for information sources of integrity.

ABC/Disney, who have become another arm of the corporatist propaganda machine, like Fox News, is about to release a Goebbels wet-dream that has sold-out anti-American fascist shills like Rush Limbaugh bubbling with enthusiasm.

There is ample evidence that 9-11 and the wars in Afganistan and Iraq are tools of a modern-day fascist regime that has seized power in the United States.

There is a big player that has the ability to oppose this fascist power (that misleadingly uses the name "Republican" for their title, just as the Nazi Party used "National Socialist" for theirs). This big player has problems of its own and it needs your guidance, but they are doing something good regarding this latest stunt by the corporatists:

Join them in showing ABC/Disney that you don't approve of this assault on the truth. Send this letter:

Thru this website:
Mr. Iger,

"The Path to 9/11" mocks the truth and dishonors the memory of 9/11 victims to serve a cheap, callous political agenda. It irresponsibly misrepresents the facts and completely distorts the truth.

This film is a conservative attempt to rewrite the history of September 11 to blame Democrats, just in time for the election. You should honor the trust the public has given you with our public airwaves by keeping this propaganda off the air.


Let them know that you refuse to be a Sucker for Hatred and Fear.

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