Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tampa Protest, Sunday 10 Dec 2006
Tampa Bay Human Rights Day Rally For Impeachment

Sponsored by CodePink Tampa Bay, 911 Truth Tampa Bay, StPete for Peace, StPete Food Not Bombs, World Can't Wait Tampa Bay,and Pinellas Progressive Democrats. Rally, March and Demonstration to spread the message on Human Rights Day, that in order to defend, preserve and honor the rights of all human beings on this planet, we must start by demanding the IMPEACHMENT of George W Bush, Richard Cheney, and those Congress Men/Women who have been complicit in the crimes of this government, and that they all be brought to justice for their crimes against humanity for their role in the illegal wars, their role in the murder of 3000 and counting...citizens on 9/11/01, all those first responders who continue to die in the aftermath, as they are ignored and denied help, and ALL those who lost their lives in the aftermath of Katrina due to the intentional actions and inactions of the federal government, led by George W Bush and Michael Chertoff, the state and local governments. Removing the corporate lobbyists from Washington, bringing our Troops home from Iraq and Afghanistan, and repealing every piece of unconsitutional, inhumane, and harmful piece of legislation that has been passed since 9/11/2001. We will have speakers, and some music while we catch the postgame crowd from the Bucs/Dallas footbal game as they sit in traffic to go home, and end the evening with a candlelight vigil. Bring your signs, banners, chairs, coolers, snacks, drums, noisemakers, bullhorns, chants, etc...and a smile. Let's let everyone know that just because the election is over, that our work as responsible citizens is not done, and it's up to us to demand justice for all those who have died at the hands of this government, and to take the control of our country back from the Corpora-terrorist Elite, and put it into the hands of the people!!

December 10, 2006
From: 03:00 PM until 07:00 PM
Dale Mabry Shopping Center 2905 N Dale Mabry HWY
Corner of Columbus Ave and Dale Mabry Highway, one city block south of Raymond James Stadium.

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