Friday, January 26, 2007

Hope Trumps Cynicism

"Corruption is how we win..." -- from the movie, "Syriana"

Look. We can run our community by pooling our creative energies, and come up with the best possible solutions, or we can "Join 'em for lack of Beating 'em" and resign ourselves to a negative world where those who lie, cheat and steal get ahead and nice guys finish last.

I say, let those who believe that thinking is a waste of time, and that we should operate in accordance with the laws of the jungle, .. let them be managed .. let them be prevented from doing harm to the good that the rest of us are working to create. I say, let those who believe that hatred and fear are the best one can expect in humanity, be marginalized and recognized as the hazards to society that they actually are. Just because a corrupt system tries to sell you on the idea that killing, raping and pillaging are okay and sanctioned by "the system" doesn't absolve you of your moral responsibility to actively oppose and challenge such lies, and to work to bring these criminals to trial.

We can begin with Impeachment and trials for the acting President, Vice President and their cabinet.

We can continue by bringing our troops safely HOME and healing diplomatic ties with the rest of the world.

We can then break up the media monopolies.

I am hopeful that we will. It will make things better for all of us.

-- Mark Frankenberg

get a FREE "Just Say NO to Fascism" Bumper Sticker


Vox Populi said...

Hope is one of the greatest gifts to man.

Vox Populi said...

Hope is the greatest gift to the human race.

I borrowed your first sentence and used it elsewhere.

Thank you.

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