Saturday, June 16, 2007

"Culture-Warrior" Right-Wash: 911/JFK

"Culture-Warrior" Right-wash: 911/JFK

I find it noteworthy that, a week after Bruce Willis makes remarks in a Vanity Fair Magazine interview (June, 2007 Issue) ("They still haven't caught the guy that killed [President] Kennedy,... I'll get killed for saying this, but I'm pretty sure those guys are still in power, in some form. The entire government of the United States was co-opted,"), Vincent Bugliosi's new book (trying to re-sell the Warren Commission's bogus magic bullet/Oswald/lone nut theory) hits the shelves.
Consider the way he attempts to argue away any organized crime theory of the assassination. the way he substitutes hectoring lawyerly argumentation for evidence.

Bugliosi made the big time when He prosecuted (then documented) the Charles Manson case in his book named after a Beatles Song, "Helter Skelter". I remember watching the TV Version. The Song is on the Beatles' White Album.

I remember that this Manson Case happened during the undeclared U.S. wars in Vietnam and Guatemala (death-squads trained and assisted by U.S. Green Berets), in the time of Cointelpro and political assassinations. It got all kinds of corporate-press coverage because it painted "hippies" in a sinister light, further diffusing the dissent that had been increasing steadily as our country's power-structure swung dangerously to the Right, in tragic contradiction of the populist spirit that had enabled our victories over the fascists in Germany and Japan in 1945.

It is a pattern of the Right to attempt to discredit dissenters who won't accept lies.

Like, "The Twin Towers Fell because of Fire". Bullshit. Steel buildings don't fall from fire.

Like, "Bullets can turn around in mid-air". Bullshit.

I think the fact that Bugliosi's book is so thick, and that it has an endorsement by Alan Dershowitz, of all shills, is evidence that the forces of evil in this world know that we're on to something when we say that there's a line of continuity between JFK and 911.

See What Dershowitz is all about in this debate with Noam Chomsky, where he struggles to defend apartheid in Israel:

And while we're on the subject of Israeli Militarism, you haven't forgotten the story of the "Dancing Israelis", have you?
The New York Times reported Thursday that a group of five men had set up video cameras aimed at the Twin Towers prior to the attack on Tuesday, and were seen congratulating one another afterwards. (1)

We True Americans believe that All Men are Created Equal. You who want wide disparity between the classes and try to shunt this class-war into a "culture-war", who want dissention between people of different backgrounds in order to keep working people divided, who want police-state in order to protect your tyranny, who KILLED our PRESIDENT in 1963 and who MURDERED 3000 AMERICANS in 2001, are destined to fail. We are going to get our America Back and you will be held accountable.

-- Mark Frankenberg

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