Friday, July 20, 2007

Undo Un-American, Oppressive Bushie Law

Undo Un-American, Oppressive Bushie Law

The Military Commissions Act and the USA Patriot Act will go down in history as some of the worst legislation in United States History: right up there with Prohibition and the Aliens and Sedition Act. Why? Because the Military Commissions act does away with Posse Comitatus, which makes it illegal to use Armed Forces against Americans here at home. Another thing it does is negate the principal of Habeas Corpus, which has been part of our system of laws since the signing of the Magna Carta 792 years ago. It is a slap in the face of all Americans, as is the continued reign of this illegal, murderous administration.

We can work now to undo some of the damage done by the Military Commissions Act.

Work with Senator Patrick Leahy, D-VT to pass the Habeas Corpus Restoration Amendment:

Help me avert a potential filibuster against this crucial legislation: Tell your home-state Senators to support the Habeas Corpus Restoration Amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill.

-- Mark Frankenberg

get a FREE "Just Say NO to Fascism" Bumper Sticker

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