Thursday, March 13, 2008

Listen to Nader

We're stuck with, uh, Coke or Pepsi, for Presidential Candidates this year, because we don't have instant runoff voting at the federal level yet.

Neither sounds like they're really going to be able to address some serious issues we will have to face immediately (although I suspect that Obama and Edwards could motivate and mobilize the population to embark on some major changes for the better), because a monopolized press and a hugely corrupt and ineffectual government have crippled our society and soured our position in the world.

Listen to Nader, get LOCAL. Do outreach. Get out of your chair. Communicate. Make Calls. I just called the Obama campaign and recommended that they start pushing legitimacy, accountability and credibility, and impeachment of certain war-criminals. Call your legislator OFTEN. Put the toll free numbers in your phone and USE them. One single-sentence issue per call.

Like Mr. Nader says: "If you don't turn on to politics, politics will turn on you."

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