Wednesday, May 19, 2004

From My Desk:

There are misconceptions in America about the Left, about Democrats, about Liberals, about "Big Government". These misconceptions seeded into the public conscience are intentional, and are instrumental in misguiding the people of America into acting counter to their own self-interest. Because monopolistic corporate power has been allowed to grow to a dangerous size by a corrupt, supposedly representative government, control over the information that the majority of people in America receive has been surrendered to those monopolistic powers.

People generally want peace and prosperity. It would naturally follow that they would want leadership that would increase their likelihood of achieving these ends. When a country is misled into placing into power people who are not motivated to increase the likelihood of peace or prosperity, then that country has been duped. When a country is systematically sold by corporate special interests on the notion that unregulated, "laissez-faire" capitalism is the key to prosperity, that country has been "sold down the river" by greedy proponents of ignorance. Unregulated capitalism results in monopoly, which is manifested by a decrease in productive competition in the marketplace, resulting in a lowering of quality of goods and/or services offered; and it ultimately results in the concentration of a nation's wealth in the hands of a privileged relative few, at the cost of an elimination or reduction in size of the middle class, and a dramatic increase in the number and misery of poor people. Those who decry "big government" in the corporate media are propaganda instruments of corporatism (fascism / crony capitalism), who want to remove regulation from the marketplace and let business run free. This is akin to letting the nuclear reaction in a power plant to take place without a restraining containment structure. It is akin to an un-controlled fire. It is the road to tyranny. Corporations are not democratic.

In order to prevent behemoth corporations, which choke out competition through political influence and monopolization, from becoming political powers counter to the interests of the population, as Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR and countless others warned they would, actual representatives of the population must control them. This requires public review of corporate charters, so that the people can prevent corporations from acting against the best interests of the population; and it requires the prohibition of monopoly, which stifles productive competition and ultimately raises the prices of goods and services. Beginning with the Boston Tea Party, true American Patriots knew the dangers of monopolistic corporations, and when our country was born there were restrictions on what a corporation could do, in order to ensure that they did not become a hindrance to general peace and prosperity. Most of these restrictions have disappeared since then, and corporations currently enjoy rights that were intended for "natural persons".

If you are turned off by the terms "Leftist", "Democrat", or "Liberal", consider the media you are using. Do the concepts of "Free thinker", "Of, For and By the People", or "Tolerant of diverse views" sound better? These are the things a fascist propaganda machine wants you to forget. Please don't. A well-informed citizenry, critical of what they are told and demanding the truth, is crucial if we are to regain the liberty and freedom that is represented by our flag. I encourage you, fellow citizens, to seek out the truth and demand integrity in your representative government, so that we may successfully re-claim our rights to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness".

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