Friday, May 21, 2004

Some thoughts from David Korten

"The tragedy of September 11, 2001 awakened a desire among Americans for a new sense of national purpose and unity. Those in power turned that desire to ends wholly contrary to the ideals on which this nation was founded rolling back civil liberties at home, robbing from the poor to give to the rich, and pursuing a policy of belligerence and domination abroad. It remains to we the people to assume our rightful authority and responsibility to protect and advance the great ideals and purpose to which the founder’s dedicated this nation."
"Polling data tell us that the vast majority of Americans wants peace, fairness, a healthy environment, opportunity, freedom, democracy, and security for all a world centered on people, not profits; on spiritual, not financial, values; and on international cooperation, not domination. These are not distinctively liberal or conservative values; they are the universally shared values on which the United States was founded."
"The real political divide in America is not between liberals and conservatives..the real political contest in America is between those of us committed to a politics based on principle and the common good; and those who pursue a politics of individual greed and power."
"the elitist security story calls for waging wars against whole nations in the name of fighting terrorism. Terrorists, however, work in invisible networks that extend throughout the territories of virtually every state in the world. The 9/11 terrorists trained in the state of Florida, were financed by the state of Saudi Arabia, and were led from caves in Afghanistan by a man too powerful for Afghanistan’s weak government to control. So we ignored Florida and Saudi Arabia, and invaded Afghanistan and destroyed its government. Unfortunately, the guilty party Osama Bin Laden escaped. So we responded by invading Iraq, a country with a weak military and lots of oil that occupies a pivotal geographic position in the Middle East, but had nothing to do with 9/11. By any definition Saddam Hussein is an evil man and the world is the better for his being in prison, but he posed no credible threat to us."
"Terrorism more closely fits the frame of a crime, than the frame of a war. George W’s embrace of the war metaphor is carefully chosen to make it more acceptable for him to assume dictatorial powers as commander in chief and dismiss his critics as disloyal. Furthermore he has declared the war, and therefore his power, to be perpetual."
"Terrorists hate us not for the freedom bestowed on our people by democratic institutions, but rather for our frequent use of the freedom our economic and military power gives us to arbitrarily oppress and humiliate other nations and peoples."
David Korten's essay containing the above passages can be found at

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