Wednesday, November 17, 2004

It's in your Face

Just Say No to Fascism.

Unlike these radicons, WE do not LIE, CHEAT, STEAL or KILL in the name of God. Not in the name of Jesus. Not in our name.

Just Say No to Fascism.

The way out of this mess is the way we got into it: through the Market. is proof of this. is proof of this. Michael Moore is proof of this. There is now a super high demand for, and a low supply of, Truth. The past election is proof of this. The Market will, in natural migration, seek out new outlets and avenues, exposing the lies of the entrenched, established propaganda machine, at a profit. More and more Americans are beginning to realize that ANYONE who uses "MAINSTREAM media" as a yardstick for validity on ANY issue is living in a DREAM WORLD of DENIAL. This differential of supply versus demand represents an awesome opportunity for true American innovators and persons of integrity.

The result is going to be increasing rewards for witnesses, truth-detectives, journalistic bounty hunters and investigative reporters. Groups will begin to pool funds to support and reward people who produce and broadcast accurate information leading to the arrest and conviction of the criminal Tories who have hijacked our nation and are endangering our species; and recognition with support for those who work to restore the validity of our democracy. This is why a Free Press is a key element in the foundation of America. This is where a Free Press rescues a country from tyranny. The Free Press is a safeguard against exactly what is developing today.

This is why the Press must be wrenched from the clutches of monopolists. There must be broad anti-trust initiatives regarding our means of attaining information, before the American Dream is consumed in despair and destruction borne of ignorance.

Just say NO to Fascism dot Com. Seek out the Truth. They are LYING to you.

Then when enough of us begin to realize how simply it can be done, we will standardize and make voter-verifiable our elections nationwide. The process will become as accurate and traceable as all the other transactions we routinely make. To preserve domestic tranquility, we will effectively eliminate and prevent future doubt as to the validity of our elections.

Then we will return power over the elections, from dumb capital, to The People; by outlawing any and all campaign contributions. By anyone. By any entity. From or in Any location. We will enforce equitable press-time for all popularly nominated candidates, and prohibit the purchase of campaign advertisements, as a condition of continued licensure of news-outlets. This will ensure that our government is returned to control of true representatives of the people and not of dumb capital.

This is America, Remember? Of, By and For the People. Not dumb capital.
Just Say NO to Fascism.

Corporatist radicals are dividing us using stereotypes of yokels versus elitists. They are using socio-economic groups as scapegoats. This is the same scam these people's grandparents pulled with Germany in the 1930's: Control the press, Divide and then subdue the people. A Yale Bush acting like a Texas bubba is an echo of Sinclair Lewis's "It Can't happen Here". Huey Long once said that "If Fascism ever comes to America, it will come wrapped in an American flag".

Or a cowboy hat.

It's in your face.

Just Say NO to Fascism. Dot Com. Tell Somebody.

In this past election and for a generation leading up to it, the Corporatists used class-resentment in a giant bait-and-switch. They took the suspicion that we all hold: that the super-rich are running the country; and they effectively re-directed that suspicion against civil liberties groups, unions, anti-war demonstrators, educated and informed people in general: EVERY SYSTEM THAT WE CREATED IN ORDER TO PRESERVE AND PROTECT OURSELVES. For YEARS. They flim-flammed the country enough to convince people to vote against their own interests, to get that 3-percent margin (the lowest for a standing president since Truman): close enough to steal their second election while permitting less access to observers than do Venezuela or Kazakhstan.

Without even giving us a receipt.

Now they're doing purges of anyone who doesn't toe the party line, thus further stamping out any chance of productive discourse in our government.

Beware. Talk to someone.

You'd think we would have learned by now. Two anesthetized coups on our own soil. A bloody coup in Haiti. Watch Venezuela. But, we are the "United States of Amnesia", to quote Gore Vidal. Ask a twenty-something why we fought World War II.

Feel scammed?

Just Say No To Fascism dot Com.

Tell Somebody.

Boycott the Propaganda Machine. Support real journalists. Tell others that you do.

Just Say No to Fascism. We have the moral high ground. We don't Lie, Cheat, Steal or Kill in the name of God.

Take action for media and elections reform.

And join the ACLU.

-- Mark Frankenberg,

P.S. It's not the doctors. It's not the Lawyers. It's the Insurance Corporatists.

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