Saturday, November 27, 2004

Ukraine? What about U.S.?
Watching the newsreels of Ukrainians taking to the streets by the hundreds of thousands to protest an election they believe was fraudulent, one has to wonder what Americans are thinking and feeling.
What do Ukrainians know that Americans don't?
But what are the implications of ignoring electoral corruption?
Like the Ukrainians, some Americans predicted our election would be stolen and even outlined how it would be done.
The battle which must be fought is one to save representative democracy from the final death blow that will be dealt by ignoring the widespread electoral problems of the past two presidential elections.
We still cling to the myth that
we are permanently immune to tyranny
We ignore millennia of history demonstrating that powerpaths will pursue whatever schemes necessary to maintain power. Indeed, they typically usurp power incrementally, pushing the envelope and testing the boundaries.
Considering the relative ease with which the Bush administration stole the 2000 election, deceived the congress and American people, and impudently committed crimes against the international community, why wouldn't they take steps readily available to them (via Diebold, Jeb Bush, Kenneth Blackwell, et al.) to stay in power by stealing another election?
We can inundate Congress with demands for investigations.
We can pressure news media to stop marginalizing election reform efforts by telling us to move on.
Proprietary trade secrets of Diebold and ES&S must be smashed in the courts and the legislatures lest democracy be smashed in the wake of the incestuous marriage of right-wing government and corporate power[read: FASCISM].
[We must] demand uncompromising reforms to our electoral system before it becomes irrelevant. It would be an abandonment of principles and duties to country if we didn't. Indeed, it would be unpatriotic.

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