Sunday, February 26, 2006

Help Fix the Democratic Party.

Calling all Progressives: The Democratic Party is your Battlestation. It's big, it's frustrating, it's corrupt, and it's YOURS, Like it or NOT.

Until we amend our constitution to enable instant runoff voting, or something like it, any time you cast your vote for a progressive third party (Green, Libertarian, many other fine centers of responsible thought) you lessen the chances of our regaining power from the corporate-corruptionists who erroneously call themselves "Republicans", and who are frankly endangering our species. If you are active in a third party, urge your party to JOIN FORCES with the DEMOCRATIC PARTY in order to regain the PEOPLE's HOUSE and SENATE in 2006. We can belong to our Parties and also be Democrats. I like the Green party, Personally. The trick is to get REAL Progressive Democrats in Power, then get Instant-Runoff Voting and do something about the Electoral College.

DNC good. DLC Bad

We need to return the Democratic Party to progressive core values. The DLC is selling out the Party and should be marginalized and/or eradicated. The DNC under Howard Dean should be the rallying-point for true Progressives. When the DLC began selling out the Democratic Party, looking to the same big-money backers the Republicans used, MANY hardworking people were so disgusted with it that they became Dittoheads, among other things. The polluted Democratic Party today, nicknamed "Republican Lite" by many, is continually failing us, lately "keeping their powder dry" with regard to the non-filibuster of Alito. Today much of the true Democratic base is mistakenly driving around with "W" stickers on their vehicles, having been hoodwinked into a false fascist revolution engineered by the monopolized, corporatist press. If the Democratic Party returns to its true progressive core values, the true base (all of us who make less than 500k/yr, and everybody else who is able to look themselves in the mirror without wincing) will return. This needs to happen YESTERDAY.

Here's one tool: The Backbone Campaign

Bottom Line: DNC good. DLC Bad.

YOUR Democratic Party, Headed by Howard Dean and the DNC, needs a lot of work. It needs YOU.

-- Mark Frankenberg

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