Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Tomorrow The World

In the State of the Union Speech last night, 31jan06, Bush justified his NSA spying on U.S. Citizens by introducing a new "Terrorist Surveillance Program".

The speaking event began with Corporate Media glibly announcing that Cindy Sheehan had been arrested.

By "Terrorist", one might suspect that the Executive was referring to any artists, intellectuals, dissenters or other Free-thinking human-beings who don't like the smell of what's been going on in the world since 2000.

He also said that decisions regarding our actions in Iraq and elsewhere would be made by commanders, and not politicians.

Congress Has NOT Declared War.

He also subtly hinted at numerous points on his intention to invade Iran, citing Weapons of Mass Destruction.

He made no reference to asking Congress to Declare War on Iran.

Toward the end of his speech, the Executive mentioned "Public Trust" and "Ethical Standards" and a "pledge" to uphold such things.

Maybe this was a reference to the OATH OF OFFICE he and all his accomplices SWORE, to Defend the Constitution of the United States.

All over America, district attorneys and prosecutors should be preparing their cases against this Executive and his entire administration, and numerous accomplices in the Judiciary and Legislature, for Abuses of Power, Betrayal of the public Trust, and Undermining the Constitution of the United States of America.

He mentioned "victories to come".

Let that victory be the victory of the RULE OF LAW over incipient Tyranny.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This administration is preparing for MARSHALL LAW if unchecked. All indications are that AMERICAN APATHY and short ATTENTION SPAN are part of their plan to GRAB and CONSOLIDATE their EXECUTIVE POWER. Appointments by this president of Convicted IRAN-CONTRA leaders to head up intelligence agencies is alarming. John NEGROPONTE, Dir. National Intelligence Agency. Where is John POINDEXTER and the agency he was heading up "Total Information Awarness". What about the appointment to the UN while congress was in recession. Not to mention the appointment to the World Bank... We NEED TO SAY more than NO. WE NEED TO SAY STOP.

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