Sunday, March 12, 2006

Retired Supreme Court Justice warns of Dictatorship

Newly retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor took on conservative Republican critics of the courts in a speech Thursday. She told an audience at Georgetown University that Republican proposals, and their sometimes uncivil tone, pose a danger to the independence of the judiciary, and the freedoms of all Americans.
O’Connor said that attacks on the judiciary by some Republican leaders pose a direct threat to our constitutional freedoms.
The nation’s founders wrote repeatedly, she said, that without an independent judiciary to protect individual rights from the other branches of government those rights and privileges would amount to nothing.
death threats against judges are increasing.
a Georgia judge was murdered in the courtroom and the family of a federal judge in Illinois murdered in the judge’s home.
O’Connor observed that there have been a lot of suggestions lately for so-called judicial reforms, recommendations for the massive impeachment of judges, stripping the courts of jurisdiction and cutting judicial budgets to punish offending judges.
interference with an independent judiciary has allowed dictatorship to flourish
It takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into dictatorship, she said, but we should avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.

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