Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Sold-Out Republic:

The Sold-Out Republic:
("Privatization", Monopolized Media and the potential for a business coup d'etat)

The TV, the Radio, the Newspapers, are all owned by huge financial interests that value profit more than human life. The FCC is supposed to ensure that the airwaves are used to further the causes of the community, but that agency is in bed with the broadcasters. A Media that is now configured to support balance-sheets rather than people has an interest in prolonging war, delaying meaningful preparation for (or prevention of) environmental problems, and further restricting people's freedom here and abroad.

Break Up the Media Monopolies.

The government itself is increasingly staffed with people who at best deride it, and at worst are actively sabotaging and/or dismantling it. In its place will rise a feudal state. People in government who are complicit in this are violating their oaths of office.

Honor your Oath.

Those who hate freedom hate democracy. They spew anti-government messages until young, impressionable citizens become misled to the point where they do horrible things like what Timothy McVeigh did. When you hear commercial talk-radio and see commercial television today, increasingly there is a message of disrespect and disdain for congressional oversight and rule. There is continually the call to privatize government assets and activities. This is a seizure of control. The “Republican Party” (and to a somewhat lesser degree, the Democratic Party under the DLC) is GIVING AWAY this control.

Increase the size of Congress to its original intended size (1 rep per 30 thousand people). It hasn’t grown since 1913! Each congressman currently represents 660 Thousand people on average. This enables government by corruption, not by the people.

Now those who intend to destroy democracy are putting together their own armies. This poses a direct threat to the people of the United States of America. The wrongly named "Republican Party" (It is actually a Corporatist party) has it's own army in Blackwater and other firms like it. The stage is being set for a modern-day Munich Putsch. The Second Amendment of the Constitution calls for a "well – regulated militia, necessary to the security of a free state". Big Business is instead building a Praetorian Guard that poses a real threat to our freedom.

Put business armies under de-centralized, state or municipal control and limit their size.

America is a community of people. We manage our community through our constitutional federal, state and local governments. Don't let a bunch of rich crooks trick you into handing over the power that belongs to ALL of US.

If you let them, they will ENSLAVE or DESTROY you. Don’t Cower in Denial. Stand up to them like TRUE AMERICANS.

-- Mark Frankenberg

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