Friday, December 28, 2007

Another one Right in Front of your Face,,2233038,00.html
she was anxious that she was not being given enough security. The email was passed to Wolf Blitzer, a CNN presenter, to be published if she was killed. In the email Bhutto said if she was killed it would be the responsibility of Pervez Musharraf, the general who seized power in a coup and became Pakistan's president.

"Nothing will, God willing happen. Just wanted u to know if it does in addition to my names in my letter to Musharaf of Oct 16nth, I wld hold Musharaf responsible," the email said. "I have been made to feel insecure by his minions

1 comment:

Vox Populi said...

Sieg Heil, Herr BUSH.

There's some very good footage now (maybe what you linked to) showing the two men who perped this. Very clear the gun; the shooting, the pool of blood from the sunroof lever.

The sunroof murder of Benazir Bhutto. It's not enough for these PIGS to assassinate fellow human beings... they also seek to trivialize the life. Won't happen.

They NEVER get the reaction they are after. Are they going to STAY this stupid forever??

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