Sunday, January 13, 2008

Edwards, but don't just focus on the Election

Out of all the clowns the system is offering up as candidates, EDWARDS is the least bad. I'd like to see him nominated as the Democratic candidate. I think he would be supported by the "Nascar Dad" former "Republicans" in large part too.

I like Dennis Kucinich and I voted for him on my absentee ballot here in the Florida Non binding primary. I'd like to see him on the ticket with Edwards.

Certainly, VOTE. But the election will not solve a lot of the problems we face. For ideas about the bigger picture, look at our main site:


Anonymous said...

I'm just wondering--why Edwards and not Obama--they're so close on so many issues that it's hard to find many differences. I don't like Edwards on capital punishment at all, and I don't like Obama on corporations, although Clinton is much worse. I'd love answers to my queries. I like you and your ideas most of the time, so that's why I'm asking.

Mark Frankenberg said...

Briefly, both Obama and Clinton represent the corporatist, Warmongering Status-Quo. The name Condoleeza comes to mind somehow. Edwards has been fighting and winning against corporate power for years. That the mainstream media has marginalized him is further evidence that he represents true change, not just an act. The struggle today is one of human beings versus economic royalists.

The election will not be the solution to most of our problems, but it is essential that we participate.


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