Saturday, July 26, 2008


Football games have referees. Why? Because without referees the game would just be an unimaginative brawl.

In the workplace, in the absence of robust policy and real leadership, the "old boy network" ends up chilling out up in the office while those with no aspirations to kiss ass or back-stab do the bulk of the work on the shop floor.

In political-economics, the absence of a viable free press and true representative government result in an unfair, corrupt game. It is simply a larger version of a football-game without referees, or a company with weak leadership and policy.

Correction of this lies in a renewed look at the word "Government". "Government" should be the referee that keeps the game fair. "Government" should be the system of rules that ensure that true integrity and value prevail over corruption.

When you hear people deriding the concept of "government", possibly it is because they (A): Don't want a fair game, (B): Are succeeding due to policy that values kissing ass, stabbing the backs of peers, or demonstrating credible threat over real integrity.

Without the integrity of true representation of human citizens rather than concentrated capital (often gathered through corrupt means), and a social nervous-system defined by a truly free press, "Government" is one step away from Tyrrany.

And here we are.

So what do we do?

I'm Mark Frankenberg. I've been exploring what we can do for a while now. Much of my writing is on my website, along with links to some of my other creative works.

Why am I writing this today? I was reading an article in The Nation about UBS Bank and how many of the super-rich have been hiding money that really belongs to you and me, and could have been used for things like a new bridge in Minnesota, or decent healthcare for our returning soldiers, or better policing of our financial industries (think, Enron, Indy-Mac, etc), or tax-incentives that will enable us to transition to a clean-energy economy rather than starve when all the gas runs out, or free Internet everywhere that could enable a kid in the 'hood with limited resources to attend free classes at MIT online, and maybe figure out how to cure cancer.

Isn't it great? Have a nice day.

1 comment:

suzannejb8 said...

"In the workplace, in the absence of robust policy and real leadership, the "old boy network" ends up chilling out up in the office while those with no aspirations to kiss ass or back-stab do the bulk of the work on the shop floor. "

From a workplace standpoint, I actually fullfill a "referree" -type role. People who perform various audits and process evaluations provide objective quality checks to see that business is flowing the way that was expected.

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