Saturday, July 12, 2008

Stupid War

To those shortsighted fools who think an illegal attack on the sovereign nation of Iran through our proxy Israel would be good for our economy, think again.

When you buy a bomb, those megabucks go up in smoke when it is deployed. You also commit a crime when you do it.

When you buy a solar-array, you make usable electricity that supports life and happiness (making a decent living, as the forefathers used the word).

We must use the effort, ingenuity and treasure that would be expended in a needless war, in a national campaign to transform our economy into one that uses wind and solar, with improved decentralized storage methodologies such as hydrogen fuel cells. You want something that can get things moving, this is it. Let's make things better.

The car can become our battery on wheels. The house and yard with solar panels can become the power plant

We are going to need a LOT of energy to deal with upcoming challenges. Clean Energy should be the focus of our policy and our market-motivators.

War is a Crime. Let's not premeditate it.

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