Wednesday, November 19, 2008


What is the purpose of Spirituality? Maybe it's the cultivation of a temperament that encourages people to live in peace together.

It is my opinion that Dogmatic Religion interferes with this stated purpose of spirituality.

I believe that the three primary focal points of meaningful spirituality are that which is True, that which is Good, and that which is WISE.


Not all that is true is good or wise.
Not all that is good is true or wise.
Not all that is wise is true or good.

Thus there are three instead of one.

I suspect that many people refer to these three as a one and call it "God" or some other name. I think that opens the door to misinterpretation by crooks and quacks and their prey.

I think we all should aspire to do and be that which is TRUE, GOOD and WISE.

That's all.

Any Questions?

-- Mark Frankenberg


Vox Populi said...

I go along with your theory on the dogmatic religion dealio .. it's the organizers of the religion, however. NOT the fault of god.
Who, whatever anyone wants to call him/her/it/they/being, does indeed exist.
i was like you until I and another person saw him with our own eyes. And looked at each other open-mouthed.
So ... given that I am making a statement as a person whom you know to be flawlessly honest in thie respect AND I also have a witness. Same sighting. Same moment. Same reaction.
Before that I was very much a skeptic.

Tear religion down all you want but be apprised. There is a god or whatever you like to call it.
I guess this is not so much a question as an addendum.

So there.

And, further ... you can skip along your merry way in life and god or whomever you want to call it/him/her .... whateva ... for want of an easier term we'll call it 'he'. You're either doing what you are supposed to do or not.
If you're not, you'll know it.
HE will let you know.
But it's a little more complicated than true good and wise although that's a close approximation to something I could agree with if you'd admit (cause I AM right LOL) that there is a higher being.
There is.
And given we forget that ... we're stuck with looking around at these assholes and looking for example?
No thanks.
I know where I'm looking.

Vox Populi said...

To clarify: I have always liked your true good wise assessment. This is no argument to that quarter.
But ... you have to throw god in because that's all there is to it.

I would not proclaim it to be so were it not so.

I am far too good at pointing out when the emperor has no clothes.

Albeit if I had not seen it with my own eyes no one would have convinced me except for someone I trust VERY much.

And I am very much trusted by the only people who really count.

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