Monday, November 24, 2008

Honor requires Impeachment

Call Nancy Pelosi. Tell her that now we've won the election for executive, she should put impeachment "back on the table".

Feingold and Nadler are now pushing for it.

I'm pushing for it.

Look. The guy invaded a country because he felt like it. He pillaged our national treasury and has substantially weakened the United States. That wasn't incompetence. It was malice. The people who brought him to power impeached a former president for getting a blowjob. It is your duty as a citizen to effectively demand impeachment of George W. Bush.

Some background information

Send a letter to your legislators

Call Your legislators NOW!

1 comment:

Vox Populi said...

it's possible you're calling for the wrong noun.

Honor is not something that concerns these people.

Nonetheless. Good post. Glad you finally found
stellar people.

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