Thursday, December 11, 2008

Zeitgeist Addendum Producer "Interviewed" by Alex Jones

A friend of mine mentioned that Alex Jones ( interviewed Peter Joseph, Producer of the Zeitgeist films recently, and noted to me that the interview didn't go very well.

The video of the entire interview is here:

Some of my observations about the interview (I grew irritated with it but stuck it through regardless) are:

1. Alex Jones apparently believes that human beings are programmed genetically to be competitive, while Peter Joseph emphasises the importance of nurture / surroundings.

2. Alex Jones believes global warming is "total crap".

3. Alex Jones is openly adversarial to his guest throughout the interview.

4. Peter Joseph maintains his cool after continuous, purile assaults and intentional interruptions, including having his microphone cut in mid sentence.

5. Alex Jones comes off as a champion of aggression, competition and might-makes-right, and is unwilling at any time to consider seriously the ideas Joseph presents in his films, deriding the notion of intellectual thought as "elitism". He also makes disdainful comments about people wearing sandals and those who would use their brains to the point of contemplating the redesign of society.

6. In this "Interview", Alex Jones wouldn't even TOUCH the details of the fraudulent, debt-based, fractional-banking fiat-money system that is outlined in great detail in the Zeitgeist movies, nor would he seriously look at the inherent scarcities and exploitations that are the foundation of it. He briefly mentioned fiat-money and the fed, but WOULDN'T GO THERE.

I agree with Alex Jones' caution about the dangers of a centralized society, but I think his un-thoughtful, short-sighted approach to Joseph and the Zeitgeist Movies make Jones look like a Limbaugh-Wannabee and I couldn't help wondering, exactly what bankers or oil people or elements of the Radical Christian Right are supporting Alex Jones? The same ones who supported Ron Paul? I know that various Hate Groups were among Ron Paul's supporters. Jones is from Texas too, after all.

Remember folks, without working government (which we don't have at present), rich crooks will enslave you.

I highly recommend the Zeitgeist films, and I suggest you look at the SYMPTOMS of the problems that Alex Jones painstakingly lays out in his materials, and I also recommend that you think outside the box and about the future.

Could part of the solution be..


Not the bullshit we have today, but a true republic based on the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights, Ruled by We, the People? How about one based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? I suspect that would prompt Jones to go off on a rant about the U.N. He would have more credibility if he went after the WTO. Maybe elsewhere he does but I've heard two of his shows and just don't have the patience for it. I suspect that if he had more influence, McCain would have gotten in. Hmmmm?

Oh, another thing: Corporations are not people, and when you hear people braying about the second amendment, Mercenary companies are often behind it.

I'm not a wannabee Limbaugh.
I'm not a wannabee Hartmann.
I'm not running for office.
I'm sharing what I got from it.

1 comment:

Vox Populi said...

this is like introducing two men from different babels.

They're each walking the same path, different circuitous route.

Upon some reflection, perhaps they will bot 'get' the other.

As well, good stuntwork. In this sad time argumentative styles get attention.

There's that.

Now, if they can just both gang up on that horrid sarah-i'll-cook-AND SHOOT-your-turkey-palin, we'll be okay.

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