Thursday, January 28, 2010

A Constitutional Amendment to End Corporate Personhood

The United State was born in revolution against corporate power. The tea that was dumped into Boston Harbor was the property of the East India Corporation.

Arguments for "free speech" in the case that spurred the serious discussion of an amendment to end corporate personhood, (the "Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission" Case) are blind and weak. Offering "free speech" to an artificial legal fiction such as a corporation not only transfers the power of self-government away from the people of the United States and into the hands of the multinational corporate elite, but it is effectively the end of the sovereignty of our nation and the official beginning of one-world government (by the elitists).

Ending Corporate Personhood should be a primary political focus for all concerned citizens. It cuts to the core of most of our problems.

Corporatism is Fascism. Fascism SUCKS.

In large part, our American Revolution was a revolution against the East India Corporation and the European Central Banks.

It's "We the People". NOT "We the Corporations".

"On January 21, 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that corporations are entitled to spend unlimited funds in our elections. The First Amendment was never intended to protect corporations."

Corrective action has been initiated already. It needs major popular support. It's already being suppressed by the media. Even google searches are coming up sparse on the topic:

I recommend reading this and watching the youtube:

1 comment:

Vox Populi said...

yeah, much better. not having the blog was not a good thang. keep it racin.

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