Wednesday, September 21, 2005

They want to Take your Vitamins Away

"They" is the Codex Alimentarius Commission (the UN Codex Commission).  "They" succeeded in making Vitamin C, St. John's Wort, and countless other
supplements available by prescription only, in Germany.  "They" want to outlaw organic foods, and they want to raise the legal limits on industrial poisons in your food.

"They" (the corporate health industry and the pharmaceutical companies
who support Codex) stand to make a lot of money, while "We" stand to
lose key elements of our personal health maintenance.

"We" don't want a bunch of rich crooks in back rooms further
endangering our health by mandating polluted foods and taking away our
vitamins and food supplements (a large factor in preventive health

Contact your representatives and tell them that Codex will degrade our food
supply and further restrict our freedom of personal health
choices.  Urge them to arrange a Congressional Briefing on Codex
Alimentarius, a UN Trade Commission.

U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202) 224-3121. 

Contact your representatives and tell them that Codex will degrade our food
supply and further restrict our freedom of personal health choices. Urge them to arrange a Congressional Briefing on Codex Alimentarius, a UN Trade Commission.
Senate Toll-Free Number: (877) SOB-USOB [yes, this is right]

Sign the petition:
Health Freedom is Under Attack

  • Worldwide pharmaceutical interests have launched a secretive
    global attack to limit access to information on health choices & restrict the right to obtain dietary supplements. 

  • Pharmaceutical interests would gain financially if supplements
    are strictly controlled and so they are pushing for the US to adopt Codex
    Alimentarius, an international code of standards that would force us to "harmonize" with France & Germany's restrictive rules. 

  • In Europe, The EU (European Union) Vitamin Directive threatens to
    destroy consumer access to therapeutic doses of vitamins & minerals, except by prescription.

  • In the U.S., Americans who write to Congress to demand an Oversight Hearing on Codex are being told that a Federal Statute already protects their rights. This is misleading.

  • Current pressure to set arbitrary "safety standards" for vitamins
    (UL's or Upper Levels) in the US could set the stage for harmonization. 
    It has begun..

"If Codex Alimentarius has its way, then herbs, vitamins, minerals,
homeopathic remedies, amino acids and other natural remedies you have taken for granted most of your life will be gone. The name of the game for Codex is to shift all remedies into the prescription category so they can be controlled exclusively by the medical monopoly and its bosses, the major pharmaceutical firms. Predictably, this scenario has been denied by both the Canadian Health Food Association and the Health Protection Branch of Canada (HPB). The Codex proposals already exist as law in Norway and Germany where the entire health food industry has literally been taken over by the drug companies.

your representatives.
U.S. Capitol Switchboard: (202)
Ask for your
congressperson or senator and talk with their staff.

Contact your Senator
Senate Toll-Free Number: (877) SOB-USOB [yes, this is right]

Sign the petition:

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