Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Cowardly Democrats Keep losing

If more democrats had spoken out against the terrorist lies regarding potential mushroom clouds over Manhattan, had spoken out against the Executive Power-grab in 2002, relinquishing Congress' authority to declare War against Iraq, had spoken out against these things during the 2004 campaigns, the People of the United States would have a government that better represented, judged and executed policy in their best interests today. We would have a government that more truly supports and defends the Constitution.

If more Democrats begin standing up and speaking for truth and integrity, the organism called America will begin recovering and healing from the corruption and cronyism of Corporatism. The American People are waiting for the Democratic Party to produce leaders of integrity and courage.

The lack of courage and the selling-out of the democratic party by the DLC, and the selection of a boring, insincere presidential candidate (Clark or Dean could have won) (Kerry laughing off Bush's "need some wood?" retort during the debates was visual proof that the whole thing was a sham), assured that the Democrats would lose in 2004.

Elected Democrats! Stand up! Call the crooks out on their BS! Demand Accountability! Expose the corruption! Millions of former dittoheads will take notice and return to the true "Party of the People". They will turn around and crush those who lied to them. Lying to us is not wise.

There should be a GIANT SPOTLIGHT on the Democratic Party right now. There should be direct mailings direct to the homes of any Populists, Libertarians, Dittoheads, Rugged individualists. The rallying point for America right now should be to effect a major cleanup and strengthening of the Democratic Party, exposing such Corporatists in its Ranks as Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton for the Elitist Tories that they are, and clearing the way for true representatives of the people to take the reins of leadership in America, as they rightly should. Jim Hightower says the Party Motto should be "We're on Your Side". I think this is a good idea. We can use that motto and simultaneously expose and debunk the corporatist lies of the so-called Republican Party. I'm a republican (but not on the side of the fascists who call themselves "republicans" today). I'm a republican who stands for the support and defense of the Constitution that is sworn in the oath of office of every person serving in our Federal Governent.

What is our rallying point? The Democratic Party. Through it, we can begin to rescue our Constitutional Democratic Republic, which has been hijacked. Let's take it over, NOW.

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