Monday, December 26, 2005

Rebuttal for a Dittohead Chain-Letter

Recently somebody left a printout in our Break-room. It was a political editorial allegedly printed in a local newspaper.

It was the general "false revolutionary" ideology in a nutshell. Some of its points were:

· If you don't like the flag, leave.
· If you don't speak English, leave.
· Political Correctness killed Christmas.
· People who question the current administration's policies are whiners.
· If you are a whiner, leave.
· America is Christian according to documented proof.
· Immigrants are a threat to America.

The general feeling of the article was that immigrants are bad, that somebody is attacking Christianity and Christmas, that people complaining and whining is bothersome, that the only acceptable culture in America is Cowboy Hats, Pickup Trucks, guns and Nascar, (and that we should all shop at Wal-Mart and be happy with the pitiful non-union wages we are earning nowadays, being as most of those union jobs moved overseas to China when our own government sold us out by "deregulating").

What that printout didn't have was ANY kind of solutions. It contained griping about non-existent problems that have been dreamed up by such geniuses as Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'reilly, with the eager backing of the corporate elite (who want to further lower our wages and benefits, further weaken our system of education and healthcare, and further drive us towards slavery; and conscript us into corporate colonial wars overseas whose only benefactors will be that corporate elite, and whose victims will be us, with increased risk of terrorist attacks in retaliation here and abroad and a major degradation of our economy).

What that printout was chock full of was malice toward the poorest people in our country. "Blame the weak" is cowardly. You blame the weak, while the leaders of Enron, Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron and Wal-Mart fleece you and destroy your own communities.

What that printout contained was a sales - pitch for the virtual corporation called the Church. Don't try to force your religion on me. Jesus himself is reported to have said that we should attend to spiritual matters in private; and that those who put on airs of “holiness” while they do evil (or are complicit in it or condone it) are hypocrites.

I say, anyone who professes to be a Christian, and yet backs campaigns of plunder and murder overseas, bigotry here at home, and hatred of ANYONE, is an outright phony.

The First Amendment contains language intended to prevent anyone from forcing their religion on us. This is so we all can worship (or not worship) as we see fit.

What that printout attempted to do, was to sell the idea that criticizing the status quo is un-patriotic. It also attempted to sell the idea that conformity and compliance with the corporate power-structure is the only acceptable form of patriotism. It is Not. It is cowardice.

What that printout completely ignores is the spirit of American citizenship. You can't just wave a flag and go along with whatever lies the robber-barons are selling you and expect to be able to keep the freedom our ancestors worked so hard to achieve for us. Do you think that the rich gave us those good paying jobs in the 1950's and 1960's? Think again. It was Labor Unions. It was the Blood of the Labor Movement. What did the rich do regarding Labor Unions? They launched an all out war against them. They combined that campaign with the Cold War against the Soviet Union. Now they call anyone who talks about Unions a "communist". Ever wonder why?

Whoever wrote that dittohead chain-letter does not want you to wonder about such things. He wants you to hate immigrants, hate liberals, hate dissent, renounce democracy, which is YOUR SOVEREIGNTY in this America (rants about "political correctness" are the beginnings of this) and he wants you to walk in lockstep with the rest of the brainwashed herd like a bunch of stupid lemmings.

I say, don't be a lemming. Question authority. They're only in it to fleece you like a sheep.

Oh, I almost forgot. I think that it was an excellent idea to leave that dittohead chain-letter in the break-room. People need to be talking (and debating) about stuff like this.

Find out what YOU can do as a Citizen.

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