Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Air America Radio Gaining in Mainstream Popularity

Air America Radio Gaining in Mainstream Popularity

If there is a rallying point for people who don't like what rich crooks are doing to our world, this could be it. Under attack since its inception a couple years ago, AIR AMERICA RADIO has a daily lineup that will cure anyone with a brain of Goebbels-itis ("conservative" corporate radio). AIR AMERICA has some GREAT people on. I would love to see Randi Rhodes, Lionel and Thom Hartmann debate corporatist shill Limbaugh. The latter would turn to dust and never be heard from again, like Joe McCarthy. AIR AMERICA RADIO is worth a look, regularly, and this effort is really worth your support.

-- Mark Frankenberg

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1 comment:

Vox Populi said...

This actually makes me a little nervous considering that Air America recently changed hands. The slow subversion of this, now?

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