Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Greed sets world afire

Outside the world is tinged yellow, inside choking over the hepa filter for breathable air. Thanks for nothing, you rich crooks who are enabling our world to burn to a cinder.


Smoke drifts south over much of Tampa Bay

Bradenton -- 05/08/2007 --  Smoke blankets Bradenton early Tuesday morning, a result of ongoing brush and forest fires in surrounding counties.  Manatee County residents who suffer from breathing problems are advised to stay indoors. PAUL VIDELA/pvidela@bradenton.com]]
Paul Videla
Bradenton -- 05/08/2007 -- Smoke blankets Bradenton early Tuesday morning, a result of ongoing brush and forest fires in surrounding counties. Manatee County residents who suffer from breathing problems are advised to stay indoors. PAUL VIDELA/pvidela@bradenton.com]]

Residents this morning in much of the Tampa Bay area, including west Bradenton and East Manatee are smelling the distinctive odor of woods fire.

Pinellas County Emergency Communications reports the smell of smoke and haze is primarily due to wind conditions blowing smoke into the area from working brush fires in Hillsborough, Volusia and Flagler counties and also from Georgia.

People with breathing problems are urge to stay indoors if possible.

-- Mark Frankenberg

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1 comment:

Vox Populi said...

Yeah, ya think you'd hear something about this from the local fire-lads but nope. This morning their day revolved around me, as usual. Neighborhood filled with poison air and the best thing they can do is mark my comings and goings by racing down the road and blowing their horns at me. No call for service coincided. It's the text from the neighbor that gets them moving ... LOL

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