Saturday, May 12, 2007

Corporatist Brain: Frank Luntz

Corporatist Brain: Frank Luntz

Ever wonder why corporatists all seem to be talking about the same stuff in unison, kind of like a bunch of axe-handles bound together in common purpose (definition of "fasce", the root of "fascism", by the way)? It's because their mouthpieces.. Limbaugh, Hannity, O'reilly, Savage, Coulter, countless others... GINGRICH.. get their thinking instructions from Frank Luntz. Wanna know where to look to figure out what kind of goop is in the minds of these goose-steppers lately? Look to their programmer:


-- Mark Frankenberg

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1 comment:

suzannejb8 said...

Frank Luntz is a polls analyst. I know nothing about what's been getting said about the relationship, but why would have have any more impact? I know the media talk about the polls all the time.

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