Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fight Monopolized Media (They're at it again)

From Common Cause:


They say that politics makes strange bedfellows. That was definitely the case yesterday when Senators Byron Dorgan (D-ND) and Trent Lott (R-MS) stood together at a press conference to denounce the FCC's plan to relax media ownership limits.*

Speak out today.

Don't let Congress adjourn without holding media ownership hearings!

In case you haven't heard, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is threatening to vote, as soon as mid-December, to allow massive consolidation of media outlets. These new media ownership rules are likely to give a single company the right to own multiple television stations, numerous radio stations and the biggest newspaper in your town - effectively controlling almost all of your local news!

Worse, the FCC wants to approve the new rules without giving the public a fair chance to voice their concerns.

Ask Congress to act now to stop the FCC's massive giveaway to Big Media!

Stopping the FCC's effort to allow more media consolidation is something we can all support. We won this fight in 2003 because groups ranging from National Rifle Association to the National Organization for Women joined together to oppose the FCC's plan for more consolidation.

And we can win again. If thousands of us speak out for more diverse media, speak out for more local control of television and radio programming, and speak out for more viewpoints and better journalism, Congress and the FCC will have to listen .

Contact your Representatives today.

Let them know that you oppose the FCC's plan, and demand that they hold immediate hearings on the issue of media consolidation - before the FCC moves ahead with its planned December 18 vote.


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