Thursday, October 04, 2007

The Problem With Voltaire

The Problem with Voltaire

I found some quotes from Voltaire I liked because they support my favor of rationality over unexplainable mysticism, and my suspicion that unexplainable mysticism can be a chink in a person's armor that makes a person susceptible to the forces of evil (I.E. nihilism, paranoia, hatred, corruption, irresponsibility and all other manifestations of that which is FALSE, FOUL and FOOLISH).

I was thus intrigued with indications that Voltaire was an adamant critic of the church of his day.

I see many instances where "the church" is part of the mindset that enables evils like the Crusades, the Spanish Inquisition, Witch-hunts (Salem, McCarthy, FOX/O'Reilly, take your pick), Slavery and Segregation and other bigotry, Cold War and Vietnam War and Iraq War and Drug War; and in addition to such evils it promotes orthodoxy over critical thought, shame over creative endeavor, and blind obedience to authority.

I part ways with Voltaire when it comes to the government of our human community. He apparently liked the idea of a benevolent dictator. There are hints that he bought into the idea that the "not-rich" were incapable of governing themselves effectively.

There is a point that if people are super poor and live in polluted environments and have lousy schools, then certainly the odds of many of them becoming outstanding members of the community are reduced. The answer to that is equal opportunity. There are and have been many who tend to think, consciously or not, that they are somehow superior to the poor and deserve more. I got a whiff of that with Voltaire and in my book that makes him a snob.

I prefer functional republic. I just called Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, My Rep and Senators and told them that they need to step up to the plate and help me save our republic. The executive is grabbing excessive power what with all this FISA/NSA Wiretapping Big-Brother nonsense. I encourage YOU to step up to the plate and make similar calls.

-- Mark Frankenberg

HEAR the MUSIC. Read the BOOK.
get a FREE "Just Say NO to Fascism" Bumper Sticker


Vox Populi said...

Because one favors rationality this lends no credence to that of rationality v. 'mysticism' or that which is 'inexplicable'.

Why does the whale sing? Why are his concerts found to be in direct line with celestial events?

Why prescience?
Math is not even based on rationality.

With rationality -- you take one little stick man out of the picture and the whole jot crumbles.

With what you call mysticism --- everything makes sense.
Because you have no understanding of something --- give you all the more reason to open your mind.
But, I think we've had this conversation. Maybe if you wrote it down???
Smiley icons and such.
Voltaire was a creature of his times.
People march to different drummers.
Yours is rationality, perhaps
But learn other beats. You never know when rationality will desert.
Leaving one to grasp at thin air if no other mind set is available.

Vox Populi said...

Oh and this chink in the armor??

Allegedly leaving one open to evil?? Also leaves one open to good. All the good that exists in the universe.
People who are intune with what else is available besides what can be 'SEEN' quite understand the risk that all the good can march in beside the evil .... that knowledge comes with the territory.

It's why we're so serene. We know.

Those bastards have short memories.

They're trying again but good will always triumph over evil.

Amor Vincit Omnia

Rationality is good and all but you can't take it to bed and have fun with it.
Room in the world for all kinds.


Vox Populi said...

You should also riddle me this: Would you apply your favored rationality to pascal, gibran, van gogh (oh that's right you think van Gogh is crazy hehe)and other great thinkers, artists and prophets of past or modern times?

Albert Einstein's greatest works were CERTAINLY NOT rational mathematics. His greatest strength lay in understanding human frailty and emotion and speaking the truth as he saw it.
Remember that just because something does not make sense to you that is not the fault of the person who makes the statement.
Many prophets are never recognized in their lifetimes or at all. Yet, we stand on their shoulders daily. People DIED to get their deeply felt but not entirely 'rational' thoughts into the public eye. The Catholic Church murdered a good many of them.
mc squared is NOT what Albert Einstein would like to talk about with Henry Ford today. If you could perchance meet Al walking around out there as he surely is because energy never dies it just changes form (rational thinkers will tell you) Al would surely wish to engage with you on how to change the hearts and minds of people and live in peace with one another.
For some --- he would appeal to their rational mind -- to others he would appeal to their emotions and their belief system ....
for instance it took a few years for Carlos Arrendondo to get past the extremely rational act of lighting fire to the marine van which carried news of his son's death. I imagine at some point his critical thinking kicked in and he gave some rational reasons to end this war other than IT"S FUCKING WRONG.
Emotional --- rational .... with some luck it's all inside of you. I urge you to get in touch with the emotional part.
Because I think that Mr. Arrendondo exemplified the feelings of every parent. IF EVERY parent set fire to one of those death brigades they send out to 'inform a parent' of the death of a child l-- those fuckers might think twice before they sent your child off to die.
There is a great deal of wonderfully mystic rationality in that single act.
Ancient brain to modern man.
It's how every parent feels.
They're lying if they deny it.

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