Thursday, October 11, 2007

Regarding Nancy Pelosi and Impeachment.

Regarding Nancy Pelosi and Impeachment.

Look. We have democratic majorities in the House and Senate right now because we Americans are fed up with the Bush Administration, its recklessness, its abuses of power and its illegal war. We are now becoming fed up with the Democratic Party and Nancy Pelosi for their cowardly accommodation of the radicals in the Executive Branch (and their agents in congress), and for the failure of the Democratic Party to do what needs to be done:

Cut the funding for the illegal war in Iraq.

Impeach Bush, Cheney and their cohorts.

I can find enough information to support both things in 5 minutes.

Knock off the bullshit and do what we hired you to do.

Congress needs to hear from all of us today . Email your Representatives to demand impeachment, not immunity:

If you have time, call your Representative and Senators at 202-225-3121 and politely express your outrage and your demand for impeachment, not immunity, for Bush's illegal wiretapping.

-- Mark Frankenberg

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