Sunday, January 20, 2008

A Flaw in Libertarian Thought

Here's a quote I found recently:

"the state acts like a band of thieves and killers... The private sector doesn't do that" --Lew Rockwell


Okay, let's go back to Galt's Gulch, the fantasy Ayn Rand paradise described in "Atlas Shrugged". In Galt's Gulch, there's no government, and everything's peaceful because the people there honor their agreements with each other and are thus able to have functional commerce. Everybody honors their agreements and pays what they said they would for what they got. Nobody falls on hard times and has trouble meeting their obligations. There are no freeloaders bringing hard times upon themselves.

Galt's gulch is fantasy.

The "Private Sector" thrives on thieving and killing. Look at General Electric, Halliburton, Blackwater, Coca Cola.. the list goes on and on. If they're not defrauding you and me out of billions of our own tax dollars, they're murdering union activists who want nothing more than the ability to provide a marginally decent life for their families.

Men are not all angels. This is why we need government. Government by us, to protect good people from lying, cheating thieves.

"the state acts like a band of thieves and killers... The private sector doesn't do that" --Lew Rockwell

Gimme a break. You Ron Paul Lemmings should take notice of this.

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