Sunday, January 20, 2008

NBC is not a human being.

If NBC were a human being, I would tell it, "who gave YOU the right to decide who can or can't run for president"? That NBC claims First Amendment protection in deciding to dis invite Dennis Kucinich from the debates on Tuesday 15Jan08 should serve as ample proof that the idea of "corporate personhood" is bullshit and must cease. It's destroying our republic. The FCC is supposed to ensure that broadcasters serve the community in exchange for the privilege of using our public airwaves. Instead here we see them actively INTERFERING with our democratic process.

Amy Goodman with DemocacyNow interviewed Dennis Kucinich and gave him the opportunity to respond to the questions in the debate here:

Corporations are not persons, and they SURE AS HELL AREN'T CITIZENS. Since they are collective efforts of groups of people to support themselves, they are a form of virtual municipality. On closer examination, these virtual municipalities are governed as dictatorial gangs, and they more often than not hurt the REAL municipalities they operate in. Isn't America supposed to be different from that? Own stock in one of these organizations? Try attending one of their board-meetings to influence their decisions. They'll laugh you out of there. If the nation is an organism, then the corporation in its current form is a cancer.

The fourteenth amendment should be amended to say "natural persons", not just "persons".

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