Thursday, February 04, 2010

Make corporate electioneering contingent on shareholder votes. Sign U.S. Senator petition

If corporations are people (which they are NOT), but if you go with the Roberts' court decision to define corporations as people, then what people are they? Maybe the people who own the corporations? Of course, some corporations are not owned by human beings but by other corporations, and things could go levels deep before you actually find an actual human being at the end of the chain who could be said to be one of the owners/shareholders.

If corporations want to dump money into our politcal system, shouldn't the human beings that own the corporations have a say-so in how that money is used? The way it stands right now, most corporate decisions are made by managers, not shareholders.

While we hope for a constitutional amendment undoing this bogus position that corporations are people (big, giant, artificial people that can do things like make bombers and prisons and death-squads), this move by Sen. Sherrod Brown is a useful intermediate step.

Sen. Sherrod Brown is collecting names.. get on his list to support an initiative to make Corporate electioneering contingent upon approval by shareholders.

Petition HERE

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