Friday, February 19, 2010

Public Option Possible through "reconciliation"


Senate Democrats: Use reconciliation to pass a public option

The public option isn't dead. The Senate can still include a public option in the health reform bill through reconciliation, which takes only 51 votes to pass.

In the Senate, eight Democrats have signed on to a letter written by Sen.
chance to get an up-or-down vote on real reform.

The reconciliation process is a way for the majority of the Senate to pass items that affect the budget under rules that prohibit a filibuster.

With the election of Scott Brown, the Democratic Caucus in the Senate accounts for only 59 votes, one short of the 60 votes required to stop a filibuster. It's hard to imagine a single Republican senator voting with the Democrats to stop a filibuster, so now the Democrats have an incentive to do the right thing and pass a stronger bill via reconciliation.

Sign our petition telling President Obama, Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid that the Senate must use reconciliation to pass a better health care bill with a strong public option.


Petition Here:

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