Friday, October 07, 2005

Could it be that Southwest Airlines doesn't believe in Free Speech?
A US woman was booted off a flight for wearing a T-shirt with an expletive and images of President George Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Lorrie Heasley of Woodland, Washington, said she planned a civil rights complaint against Southwest Airlines

When I see things like this in the news, they affect my decisions as a consumer. How 'bout you?


Anonymous said...

She was using them as an unpaid billboard. Perhaps she should have used the former USSR that you people seem to miss so much. I'll bet that they would have put up with her bashing Marx for about 15 seconds. Sorry for the anonymous login. No time to debate. I am a capitalist busy exploiting the masses.

Mark Frankenberg said...

To a fascist, democracy looks like socialism. A republic is a representative democracy. Abraham Lincoln, our first republican, stood for a government of, for and by the people. A fool or a traitor will willingly stand by and support a group of radicals who are bent on bankrupting our constitutional government of the people in favor of a feudal, corporatist system. Corporatism is fascism, according to Mussolini, the man who originated the term "fascism"; and anyone who subscribes to it is in support of undermining our constitution, and is thus a traitor to the United States. I recommend that you read the constitution and the bill of rights while you still have them; and stop paying mind to the mouthpieces of corporate rule who want to return us to the pre-revolutionary days of the East India Corporation. When these corporatist pundits in the press play their "rugged individualist" act, in favor of deregulation and elimination of taxes and environmental laws, they are throwing you a curve ball in order to channel resources and control to the corporate aristocracy, eliminate the middle class that made America the leader of the free world in the mid 20th Century, and return us to a system of rule by the few. As a working American, I say phooey to that hogwash and when I smell a rat or hear a slick sales pitch for the undoing of my republic, I will call the con. Pull your head out of your butt. Have a nice day.

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