Sunday, October 30, 2005

My letter to the ACLU regarding "corporate personhood":

Given that the Bill of Rights was created for the protection of people (natural persons), and given that "corporate personhood" is based on a false legal precedent (the erroneous record of the court case Santa Clara County versus Union Pacific Railroad, 1886), why do you defend corporate power from accountability to the people of the United States? Are you infused with corporate funding? I'm new to the ACLU, and may not be long for it if you are defending corporate power from the right of the citizenry to obtain justice (Nike v Kasky comes to mind). Our rights are certainly at stake in this neo-McCarthyist era. Seems to me that defending an inhuman entity such as a corporation would be shooting ourselves in the foot. Hope we can come to a meaningful solution to this. Looking forward to your reply. -- Mark Frankenberg

1 comment:

suzannejb8 said...

There's a book by Ayn Rand called "Atlas Shrugged". In it, a female protagonist basically becomes a corporation. Or at least she strongly identifies the company she runs as herself.

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