Sunday, October 30, 2005

The trouble with death is that you can't click "New Game".

Those who committed treason against the American people to start this unconscionable war, kill our young and bankrupt our republic, must be brought to justice. Those who are complicit with such traitors through willful inaction or ignorance, those who forfeit responsible thought in order to walk in lockstep with their partisan "team", should repent. You don't get to heaven through denial or through conspiracy to murder.

Coming soon: "Eating from Garbage cans: The U.S. citizen's guide to survival after China stops buying our Debt." -- Produced by the Corporate Elite

Wake up! These idiots are heading us for a brick wall (a bathtub?) at 90 miles per hour.

Who will govern us after we ourselves are no longer able to?

Write a letter to a newspaper. Call a radio station. Talk to someone. Be a patriot.

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