Sunday, October 09, 2005

Why our Democracy is only 4.6 Percent of what it Used to Be:

660/30=22. 100/22=4.55.

Article I, section 2 of the Constitution says, "The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand".
Today, each Representative represents over 660 thousand people (on average).
In 1804 the House was comprised of 142 Representatives. Every decade it grew larger until it reached 435 Representatives in 1913; the same size it is today.
The historical shift towards oligarchy was formally institutionalized in 1941 when Congress passed a law permanently fixing the number of House seats at 435. In doing so, the members of the House unconstitutionally arrogated to themselves a permanent and growing power base by unilaterally freezing the number of districts and thereby creating the most elite & powerful private club in the history of the planet (other than the Senate).

This needs to be changed. No Wonder we're getting screwed.

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