Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Common Cause: to Clean up Congress

The Common Cause plan

1) Reform the Ethics Process
Create an independent ethics commission to investigate ethics allegations in Congress. For decades, the ethics process in Congress has been stymied - its Members don't impartially judge their colleagues.

2) Impose an Effective Gift and Travel Ban
Ban registered lobbyists from giving gifts to members of Congress and their staffs. Also, ban all privately-financed Congressional travel. Some official travel is important, and it should be paid for with public funds.

3) Slow the Revolving Door
Extend the moratorium on taking jobs as lobbyists for Members of Congress and senior staff from one year to two years after leaving office.

4) End the Campaign Money Chase
The Abramoff scandal can be the catalyst to reform Congressional campaigns by enacting a publicly-funded clean elections system, and to revamp and strengthen the public financing system for presidential campaigns.

5) Shine a Light on Lobbying Activities
The multi-billion-dollar lobbying industry operates almost entirely in secret. This has to change. The American public has a right to know who is lobbying their elected officials. Lobbying contacts should be reported online, so that the public can assess the impact of lobbying on public policy decisions.

Please make a generous contribution now to let Common Cause take the lead in making these changes at this critical time.

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