Friday, January 13, 2006

Corporatism = Fascism = K Street Project

The Silent Coup
Republicans have spent the last five years attempting to hi-jack democracy and move the seat of governance from Pennsylvania Avenue to K Street.
mainstream media are major combatants
K Street Project ... an attempt to purge industry’s lobbyists of any and all Democrats, and to make sure that "...even the secretaries..." are "conservative Republican activists."
K street Corporate shills write legislation, develop tax proposals, and formulate foreign policy
a variety of devil’s deals that would’ve made our forefathers weep has become routine business
the marbled halls of Congress are fast becoming a Mausoleum in which are buried the civics lessons from a simpler time
Grover Norquist, an unelected ideologue and professional government-hater and one of the chief architects of the K Street Project, wields more power in Washington than all but a very few elected officials.

Norquist is famous for saying , "Our goal is to shrink government to the size where we can drown it in a bathtub."
in 2004, Mr. Bush’s tax reforms gave the average millionaire a $123,595 cut, but cut the middle 20% of income earners by just $647.

The K Street Consortium also explains why all of that $647 and more got eaten up by increased medical, energy, and educational costs.
oil industry gets billions, and Americans get guaranteed high prices.
If the K Street Consortium implements their policy agenda, in ten years, every child born in the US will "inherit" $36,000 of additional debt.
So much for Republican fiscal conservatism.
K Street Consortium not only hurts the average American, it hurts American industry
Republicans tax less but spend much more and the borrowed largesse goes to corporations and the likes of Ken Lay and Paris Hilton, while the debt gets passed on to future generations.
next time you visit Washington to see the seat of our government, forget Pennsylvania Avenue. Stop by K Street.

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